Monday, February 20, 2012

Radio active snot.

Eek. Not feeling too hot today. Well actually I'm burning up. And coupled with the headache and general sinus mankiness, its been an interesting morning. Ah well. I'm sure it's nothing sitting on the couch all day watching crap films won't cure.

So it's been a while. I am getting quite lax with the whole blog thing. There just seems so many other things to do at the moment.  Like all the music stuff for work and my music lessons and I'm also arranging a bell tune for my old marching band as well. Which is pretty cool but also making me really nostalgic. Tinkling on the old xylophone again was great.

Now that's how far I managed to get yesterday, not far at all. So I'm gonna continue and start with a most shocking Monday morning event.........

When I got on the tube today at 9.20, I actually got a seat. Yes. A seat! And not only that but there were other seats available too.

What I couldn't figure out was how? Or why? I mean what bizarre event could possibly be taking people off my tube? And on a Monday morning in the middle of rush hour. Well, I never came to a conclusion on that but whatever it was, it was quite nice and I wouldn't complain too much if that happened again. Let's face it, tomorrow I'll probably have to let three tubes go past because they're so full and then I'll have to cram in next to some smelly guy's arm pit, or have to inhale someone's hair (eek, I hate that). Still, it was nice while it lasted.

I just made a slightly huge dent in that chocolate bar A got me from Germany. I'd say easily half of it gone. Yum! And the worst part is that I could quite happily eat more, though I do fear for my waist. He he. I've got a good excuse though. I'm ill and it makes me feel better, or some other such bullshit.

Thankfully today my temperature has dissipated. I'm not sure I could've coped much longer with the need to wear a bikini in winter. In fact it's been a total opposite. I've been piling the layers back on. Freaky temperature fluctuations. it's very irritating.

Oh, that overload of chocolate is catching up with me now. Blurgh! Ha ha

Well I do seem to be rambling with no clear direction here, so I think I'll sign off on a great non-entity blog and try again next time.

Have a great week and try not to eat too much yummy German chocolate.


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